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Love as a Bird

Take a minute and look at the world around you. The colors are endless. The sounds limitless.
Everything has a time, place, and purpose. For the most part, life seems to be going somewhere.

What do you notice about the motives that drives every decision made?
What drives life to move?

A wise man once told me “Everything is either rooted in love, or fear.”

Studying the qualities of the two, it’s easy to understand why.

Love is solid, steady, and peaceful. It is strong enough to carry through despite circumstance. Fear produces the flight or fight mode in our brain. It is unsteady and on high guard.

Love says, despite of all the secondary or outside circumstances /opportunities, this central thing remains true.

Fear says, because of all possibilities and circumstances, I am unsure if this central thing remains true.

Notice the focus here.

Love is focused, sternly keeping it’s eyes on what it’s prize is, trusting the truth despite the road.

Fear is focused soley on outcome. It’s objective is soley to find a road it can trust before moving. and in turn for distracted by all the what ifs and possibilities around that it forgot what it already thought it new and either never when anywhere or shamefully went backwards.


If we were to visualize it, it would be like two birds that were built incredibly different.

Love as a bird would be bold. It would have long, solid wings with tremendous amounts of stamina.
When put to the test, it would indure through the trial of wind.

Fear as a bird would have short wings. They are weak and frail, sickly, almost as if it’s never flown at all.
When put to the test, fear would go as long as it could, and then back down to peruse something else or another way.

Don’t be that bird.

You see, the places in which the two birds go and the conditions in which they fly are radically opposite. In turn, they cannot exist together.

Love as a bird would flow through the wind. It would soar higher and higher until it was above the wind. It was built to be constant and secure, no matter the conditions it’s fighting in.

Fear as a bird would be moved by the wind. It would change course to fly to a place that was easier and safer. A place it thought it belonged but truly doesn’t. It will eventually change its course when faced with opposition looking for comfort and steady winds. Choosing to fly lower and lower, until it eventually decides to always stay on the ground. That’s better for it. The wind can easily blow this bird and move it somewhere else.

It has ignored the fact that wind is inetivitable. Just like the waves following the moon, and constantly crashing against the shore, wind was built into the structure of earth as something that is unescapable.

And yet, many try to escape. They build up walls thinking that this is finally the place they can call home.
They build up prisons for themselves and offer others to come inside.
The stillness is a false sense of security that everything is okay. They know they will overcome because they face no challenge and no opportunity.

What is the difference between them? What causes the separation between the two?

Fear is the absence of love.
Love has everything that fear does not.
Love is rooted within. It is secure in itsself, where it stands, who it is, where it’s help comes from, all the things that the Lord is. It believes, and doesn’t feed off the understanding of the outside world.

That’s why it is so important that God makes His home IN us. That we have Truth in us and love makes His home in us. Meaning that we shouldn’t live with fear, becuase there is love there. And love endures all things and gives us strength to perservere.

Do you believe you can fly?

Do you believe you were born for it?

Made for it?

Capable of anything?

Give it a try sometime.
Here is your wake up call to something more. There is something bigger out there than you can imagine of see right now, if you live in fear.

You might find that your wings are bigger than the sky that you can take up.
No one can belittle you or make you feel incappable unless you let them.
Don’t let them.
Stand strong in who you are.
You can make it through this.
Chin up, darling. It’s going to be a beautiful flight.





I’m still raising funds for this trip. I have two weeks to raise $2,000.

Want to support, click the donate link on the side!


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