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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

The Lizard I Want to Be

I didn’t grew up in church. I didn’t grow up with a mentor or any constant person to go to with my questions, or solid structure to teach me things. So, I comically consider myself spiritually/biblically home schooled. Most of…

Welcoming Them In

Today, I got a taste of something good. You see, I was telling myself that I knew certain things. I believed them. There for, I thought I was living them out and doing a pretty great job, too, if I…

Love as a Bird

Take a minute and look at the world around you. The colors are endless. The sounds limitless.Everything has a time, place, and purpose. For the most part, life seems to be going somewhere. What do you notice about the motives…

Fear Depite Circumstance

Take a minute and look at the world around you. What do you notice about the motives that drives every decision made?   Everything is either rooted in love, or fear.   Love is solid, steady,and peaceful.  Fear produces the…

My Dream for the World

I’m going to tell you this right now. I think you’re beautiful. I don’t care what struggles you’ve been through, struggles you’re still going through, and what struggles you have yet to come.  You’re beautiful; and you should embrace that…