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My Dream for the World

I’m going to tell you this right now.
I think you’re beautiful.
I don’t care what struggles you’ve been through, struggles you’re still going through, and what struggles you have yet to come. 
You’re beautiful; and you should embrace that beauty. 
Because when you finally embrace who you are as a whole, the whole world opens up 
and what once seemed like such a little place, 
becomes this ginormous wonderment filled with an infinite number of opportunities. 

In my heart, there is a little girl who just wants to reach out and give everyone a hug, and say 
it’s okay. 
I understand you’ve been walking a bumpy path that has dinged you up and left you tired and exhausted, but you’re going to be okay. 
You should never let go of your dreams just because of a few bumps in the road. 
You’re still alive, aren’t you? 
There’s a whole world out there with problems bigger than you can imagine. 
The world just doesn’t want to see it. 
We’re all too preoccupied with our get more-need more-on the go life style that the littler people never seem to cross our minds. But they’re out there. 
And they need you. 
They need someone not just to tell them it will be okay, 
but to provide the necessary things for life. 
Take a minute and look at all of the things you have. 
Go ahead, look around the room. 
Think about all the little things, paper, socks, clean water… 
these are the things we take for granted every day, 
but someone out there can only dream about living like we do today.
 And I’ll tell you honestly; 
I’m sick of it. 

I no longer see the point in all the silliness of the world.
The clothes, cars, how many people are following you, or liked your status…
I want no part in it.
I can’t stand living this way anymore while I know there are people out there, 
adults and children, who spend their days digging through the huge pile of garbage they are forced to live on. 
I hate that there are young women out there who are being sold into prostitution houses 
for less than the cost of a happy meal 
only to be thrown out on the streets or killed after they are deemed “no good” anymore… 
You have more than a fair chance to go after your dreams, 
look how blessed you are. 
You have clothes; you have food; you have safety.
You also have yourself, 
who is much stronger and capable of so much more than you give credit for.
The world is at your finger-tips just WAITING for you to put all of your battles aside and go for it. 
And yet, most of us are wasting our time with all of the silliness for God knows what reason. 
In the end, 
it’s your choice if you want to go for your dream, or to settle for a life less than what it could be. 
I’d always hope that you would go for your dreams,
in fact, I dare you. 
However, I do understand how scary it can be and how comfortable the easy road is. 
But there are some out there who do not get an easy road option,
and I ask you this:
Where's their choice?
  How are they ever going to reach their dreams?
 How are the people that spend all of their time and energy just trying to keep their families alive 
going to have the strength to go after their dreams? 
That is my dream; 
to see their dreams come true. 

My dream is to see all of the crushed and beaten souls of the world fly free. 
I want to see those who have nothing rise up and feel like they are on top of the world.
I want to be a crutch to help all those who have fallen, help to stand back up and walk again.
 And not only walk, I want to see them run; 
run and chase down what ever their heart desires.
I want to see eyes that were once dulled by their past traumas be filled with light and radiate nothing but happiness.
Because everyone deserves that right? The chance to be happy.
And those who were once barley hanging on climb to the top of the mountain.

much farther down the road when I’m ready to settle down, 
I want to create a place that 
no matter what background you come from,
 you can go and feel safe;
 for you are always accepted and welcomed.
 You can be around people that are just like you,
 you can be around people that are completely different from you,
 but it doesn’t matter, because you see beauty in those differences. 
I want to join together the world’s hands of hope 
and raise them up to celebrate the light that dances around the world.

But I’m nineteen years old. 
I am in no way ready say that I never got to see the world.
I am ready, however, to give up my life and comfortable home,
to venture out and use my hands not for myself, but for the sake of others.
I'm excited to see what this next part of my life brings and hope that you can find it in your heart to 
Support me on this journey.
Thank you.