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Fifty Dollars for a Night

Love has a crazy way of working things out.

Some people think loving someone is giving them their time.

Others think their pockets is how they show love.


Neither one is right or wrong, per se,  if done in the right heart. Love comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In fact, I had the opportunity the other day to love a woman in a way I never thought I would.


I bought her.


Let me tell you the story.


We saw her as we walked into a bar in a city built on sexual tourism in Asia. There was a group of seven or so of us going to offer an opportunity for girls to step out into freedom and leave the bars in order to do something their hearts really desired. To go to school.

I saw her and immediately knew she was the one.

The reason why I went out that night was her.

She was a beautiful girl. One of those girls where you walk into a room and couldn’t help but notice. She was sitting just off stage against a beam, long, dark hair. But I also couldn’t help but notice it looked like she had tears welled in her eyes.


I approached her with a woman who works for the organization and we sat down.

We got to talking.

She had been there four months. She was sweet, kind, and very curtious.

We talked about which island she was from, about her family, her friends, if she had any friends that worked in the bars too- just got to know her as a human being.

She began being very open with us and we talked about a lot of things. I asked her about her dreams. She showed me pictures of her kids. It was great. We asked her if she ever dreamed of going somewhere else besides the bars. She seemed reluctant to answer. We offered her an opportunity to come out. Everything in her shifted. She was interested. We offered her an opportunity to come with us to come see it the next morning. After all of that was said and talked about,

I asked her what she did for fun. She sighed and lifted up her hands, shruggingly, and said “This…”


That’s when I knew it. We had to get her out of there for the night and have some real fun.

There had to be something in this town that was non-sex related.


She said yes. She was so excited, but also a little leery. Usually when people did this, they had completely different intentions in mind. 

Were these people the same as all the others?

Are they being honest?

Can I trust them?


But she still went.


I started by telling her that she didn’t have to stay with us if she didn’t want to.

She was free.

She did. We walked around for a bit, and eventually went to a cheery karaoke bar and ordered food. At first she was so shy and afraid to order for herself. Kaela’s parents said she could have what ever she wanted, and the decision made her a little bit uncomfortable.

Through the night we saw her loosen up. We sang songs together, and listen to her sing some in Tagalog. 

She was great. But through it all, I could see the wheels turning in her mind.


“My life would change for ever.

My kids.

I wouldn’t have to do this anymore.

I could go to school!

The happiness and excitement was mixed in with the skeptical.

Are these people being honest?

Do I risk everything to see if what they are offering is real?

Is it worth it? Am I worth it? Am I able to? Will it be what’s best for my kids.”


In the end, she ended up doing it. She came to check out the organization and I believe she will go through the process of moving there by the time the next semester starts. 


I am so excited for her and honor her boldness and willingness. 

She is so brave and strong. Like many women today. There are still thousands of women in that city living in the same chains, but one by one, more keep walking out into freedom.


My prayer is one day, the whole city will be empty. Just a house of cards with four walls and empty rooms, waiting for the roof to collapse.


And when it does, I’ll be there. Singing songs of praises to the Lord and lifting my voice to him. 

And until it does, I’ll be doing the same. Praying that girls one by one realize that men cannot buy their freedom and they choose it themselves.



This is the real life fulfillment of Isaiah 61.

It says that WE are to comfort those who mourn and declare freedom/victory to the captives.

We are supposed to support, honor them, and speak freedom and life into their life. Show them the Way, if you will.

Then, THEY are supposed to rebuild the city of ruins. 

There is an army that is raising up to rebuild that city built on sexual tourism.

Except this time, it will be built of love, good hope, strong faith, and deeply rooted in a Father’s favor.


Stay tuned.

There’s a fire coming.